Volker Theile has announced the release of
FreeNAS 0.69.2, a maintenance update of the FreeBSD-based operating system providing free Network-Attached Storage (NAS) services: "FreeNAS0.69.2 released. Changes: add another WOL patch, it is tested fornfe(4) und xl(4); add switch in 'System|Advanced' WebGUI to enable theconsole screensaver; upgrade Adaptec SCSI RAID administration tool to6.10.18359; add ability to enable or disable rc.conf variables; addDanish WebGUI translation; add kernel patches to get ARTiGO A2000hardware working; add ability to use %d (date) and %h (hostname) inemail subjects; add 'MaxLoginAttempts' event to FTP ban list rules; add'ClientConnectRate' event to FTP ban list rules; allow selecting thekey length of the cryptographic algorithm used to encrypt a disk...." Here is the complete
release announcement.
FreeNAS-i386-LiveCD-0.69.iso (62.0MB,
FreeNAS-amd64-LiveCD-0.69.iso (67.6MB,
allesgut 于 2009-06-14 23:45:44发表:
Majors changes:
- Add another WOL patch. It is tested for nfe(4) und xl(4). Thanks to Tobias
- Add switch in 'System|Advanced' WebGUI to enable the console screensaver
(FR 2777301).
- Upgrade Adaptec SCSI RAID administration tool to 6.10.18359.
- Add ability to enable or disable rc.conf variables configured via
- Add danish WebGUI translation. Thanks to all translators.
- Add kernel patches to get ARTiGO A2000 hardware working. Thanks to
David Davis for the patches.
- Add ability to use %d (date) and %h (hostname) in email subjects (e.g.
Services|UPS) (FR 2796141).
Minors changes:
- Add 'MaxLoginAttempts' event to FTP ban list rules (FR 2777481).
- Add 'ClientConnectRate' event to FTP ban list rules.
- Allow selecting the key length of the cryptographic algorithm used to
a disk (FR 2779692).
- Add system power control options to 'System|Advanced|rc.conf' (FR
- Show FTP transfer log in 'Diagnostics|Logs|FTP|Transfer' (FR 2785325).
- Add filechooser button to 'Home directory' editbox in 'Access|Users|Edit'
WebGUI (FR 2790909).
- Sort various lists displayed in the WebGUI using a 'natural order'
(FR 2481934). Thanks to Marion Desnault for the patch.
Bug fixes:
- It was not possible to configure multiple FTP ban list rules. Thanks to
Michael Zoon.
- Modify Fuppes UPnP configuration to get PS3 with firmware 2.70 working
again (BR 2782729).
- Editing existing config items in WebGUI will display incorrect data (e.g.
'System|Advanced|rc.conf' or 'System|Advanced|sysctl.conf') (BR 2792956).
- Fix bug in WebGUI which is caused by unhandled special HTML characters
used in various languages (BR 2793875).
- Set Quixplorer user permissions to 'View only' because of security reason
because Quixplorer does not respect system user permissions (BR 2798934).
If you want to allow users to modify file permissions set rc.conf variable
'webfm_user_permissions' to 1. If you want to deny all users to login into
the Quixplorer WebGUI set 'webfm_user_active' to 0.
- Disk temperature not detected correct for SCSI devices (BR 2801565).
- Fix JPCERT/CC JVN#89791790 (Cross-site scripting vulnerability).
Permanent restrictions:
- It is not possible to format a SoftRAID disk with MSDOS FAT16/32.
- It is not possible to encrypt a disk partition, only complete disks
are supported.
- It is not possible to get seperate CPU stats per processor on SMP
machines because
FreeBSD does not support that feature.
- Enable 'polling' on interfaces used by a LAGG interface will make it
- It is not possible to mount EXT2 disks with an inode size of 256
bytes. You
have to format it with 128 bytes on Linux to use them on FreeBSD.
Known bugs:
- If DHCP for IPv4 is used, the IPv6 statically configured DNS server
will be
overriden by the IPv4 DNS server.