Alexander Eremin has announced the release of MilaX 0.4, a mini-distribution and live CD with a graphical desktop, based on OpenSolaris: "MilaX 0.4 released. Based on OpenSolaris snv114. JWM replaced with FVWM with modified theme from Kamil Michalak: thumbnailing of minimized windows, full screen console (urxvt), system monitor - Conky, simple configuration editor menu - Vim, bottom panel - wbar. Removed fbxkb, added urxvt as basic terminal, PCMan file manager, Geany, tsclient, GVim, eboard (chess) with crafty engine. Partitioning now supported in 'zfsinstall' script. Version 0.4 requires at least 256 MB RAM and a Pentium or Celeron to boot into a X Window desktop. 128 MB RAM is sufficient for booting into command-line mode. MilaX is a fast distribution (about 20 seconds from GRUB to fully functional desktop after ZFS installation). Log in to system as 'alex' with password 'alex'." Here is the brief release announcement.
Download (MD5):
milax04.iso (104MB).