
it's presumably that i cannot further my linux

发布时间:2008-08-05 10:04:14来源:红联作者:lfuture
journey except i have a second computer

if ubuntu or any other distribution of linux has a well support for ati x1450, i would not rather choose windows for study. if ati x1450 and its official driver can power on 3d acceleration, i would not primarily stand on windows to give up the beautiful 3d cubic desktop.

and also, if my cpu runs faster in linux and the super pi record below 38s in it, i will choose linux for better calculation.

and if , the stability in linux to be further improved , not like that my firefox crashed with my blog unsaved, and there's no system monitor or task messenger in kde 3.5 to terminate the process which runs anomaly, i will keep my steps in linux to see the websites i wanna see. i have a question confuses me , it is seemingly that firefox doesn't support ajax?

共有 1 条评论

  1. lemonade 于 2008-08-05 15:45:33发表:

    Why not install two Systems:Linux+Windows?