英语单词 红联
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n.: (一出戏剧或一部电影的)全体演员;铸件;铸造品;模子
v.: 向…投以(视线、笑容等);投射(光、影子等);使人怀疑;造谣中伤
网络: 扔;投掷;演员表


  • 向…投以(视线、笑容等):

    to look, smile, etc. in a particular direction

  • 投射(光、影子等):

    to make light, a shadow, etc. appear in a particular place

  • 使人怀疑;造谣中伤:

    to say, do or suggest sth that makes people doubt sth or think that sb is less honest, good, etc.

  • 投(钓线);抛(钓钩):

    to throw one end of a fishing line into a river, etc.

  • 扔;掷;抛:

    to throw sb/sth somewhere, especially using force

  • (蛇)蜕(皮):

    when a snakecasts its skin, the skin comes off as part of a natural process

  • (马)踢落(蹄铁):

    if a horsecasts a shoe, the shoe comes off by accident

  • 分配角色;选派角色:

    to choose actors to play the different parts in a film/movie, play, etc.; to choose an actor to play a particular role

  • 把某人描写成;把某人表现为:

    to describe or present sb/yourself in a particular way

  • 投票:

    to vote for sb/sth

  • 浇铸;铸造:

    to shape hot liquid metal, etc. by pouring it into a hollow container (called a mould )

  • 回顾;回想:

    to make yourself think about sth that happened in the past

  • 撒开大网(搜寻时考虑面要宽):

    to consider a lot of different people, activities, possibilities, etc. when you are looking for sth

  • (对…)施魔法,念咒语:

    to use words that are thought to be magic and have the power to change or influence sb/sth

  • (一出戏剧或一部电影的)全体演员:

    all the people who act in a play or film/movie

  • 铸件;铸造品:

    an object that is made by pouring hot liquid metal, etc. into a mould(= a specially shaped container)

  • 模子;铸模:

    a shaped container used to make an object

  • 特性;特征;外表;外貌:

    the way that a person or thing is or appears

  • 投,掷,抛(钓线):

    an act of throwing sth, especially a fishing line


  • 【航海】锤测

  • 【印刷】版;纸版,铅版

  • 【冶金】浇铸,铸造;铸型,模子;铸成品

  • (容貌、性质等的)特征;外观;倾向,型式;色调;种类

  • (木板等的)反翘;(弓的)弹力

  • 脱落之物,(蛇的)蜕皮;(蚯蚓等翻到地面的)泥土(等)

  • (目光)投射;瞥见;轻微的斜视〔眼睛的一种缺陷〕

  • 角色分配,演员;演员表

  • 投;掷骰子;抛石子;撒网揿;垂钓;一掷,一举,试

  • 【戏剧】分配(角色),选派(角色)

  • 【冶金】浇铸,铸造;【印刷】把(纸型)浇成铅版

  • 〔英方〕呕吐

  • 〔苏格兰语〕褪色

  • 计算;合计

  • 占卜,算卦;〔古语〕预测;筹划

  • (兽)早产,(果树)落(果)

  • 抛出钓丝,垂钓

  • 丢弃,抛弃;脱掉(衣服);(蛇)脱(皮),(鸟)换(毛),(鹿)换(角);(树)落(叶);(马)脱落(掌铁)

  • 投,扔,掷,抛


  • 第三人称单数:casts

  • 现在分词:casting


  • v.+n.:

    cast shadow,cast vote,cast spell,lot cast


v.throwhurlproducegeneratemouldn.companytroupedramatis personaeactorsplayers


  • She felt that if I were completely remiss in religious conformity it would cast doubt upon the staunchness of her faith.


  • He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast upon his eyes, but said nothing.


  • And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and ye shall find.


  • A cloak made of those materials, with a structure designed down to the submicroscopic scale, would neither reflect light nor cast a shadow.


  • "Go, get thee after thy legs, " said the lad to the head, and he cast the head up the chimney, too.


  • But that breaks the jar, but he didn"t like the skinny, as the head also don"t torsional moment, looking at the jug, as usual cast his way.


  • Flow process of human society for thousands of years of evolution through concisely cast made of a mode of production.


  • The lady trembled, and cast her eyes upward to the verge of the basin, as if meditating to return with her purpose unaccomplished.


  • There was no difference between the two treatments groups in reported pain or cast problems.


  • The jailbird cast about him for a way of escape.


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